Task One 
what i like about this design is the style of it and I think it is just appealing to me. when I look at this Photo I imagine that i am in this hot are balloon and I am looking over the land and look at things from a different point of view. it makes me feel happy and like i would want to be there one day (in A hot air balloon). 
i like this painting because it reminded me of my favourite quot which is "Life's Not About Waiting For The Storm To Pass Its About Learning How to Dance In The Rain" i am going to change the little girl in to and adult because i feel like a little girl would want to dance in the rain any way and wound not want to wait for the storm to pass. I am also going to get rid of the umbrella  because I i think that the girl should be caning in the rain not sheltering her self under and umbrella dancing. 


1. Skate board 
2. Umbrella 
3. Clothes 

I am going to chose the skate board seeing and talking to previous year 10s they think that a skate bored will be easier to portray my image i will create. 


this was my first idea I wanted to make the hair longer and the dress bigger.
i really like this one I and going to start colouring in the dress red because I think that it is going to pop out from the back ground because it is grey. 
this is it so far. I love this the dress is beautiful and I think that I am going to start painting. 
this is my skate board so far. my quote is "Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass its about learning how to dance in the rain"

I thought i would add white line's to show that it is raining. my next step is to finish writing the quote and paint the hands. 

I have decided to restart my painting and do something that i am more comfortable with (not a human) because I am not good and proportioning and I found it really hard to do the hands. I did not want to look at it because i was disappointed in it. I had a lot of people telling me that i just need to fix it up but i had been trying to fix it up for to weeks and it wasn't getting any better.

I forgot to take photos of the painting in progress but I did take photo of me when i was planing where i was going to put my words. I am going to do the 1st photo because I think that is will be easier to make the word straight and look neater. I am going to wright the words with a white sharpie because i learnt with my other paint that words are really hard to do. 

I am really proud of this painting I definitely think that it is better than my first i think that i was trying to base my painting off my quote rather then basing my quote off my painting. my quote for this painting is "Don't Tell Me Tat The Sky Is The Limit When There Are Footprints On The Moon" I made the quote quite small because I wanted people to look at my painting and have to walk up to it to see what it says. 

Self Assessing
I think that I am going to give my self a E7 because i believe that I have 
 integrated  research, developed and analysed ideas, and considered structure and surfacing to inform their final piece.  The finish of the final artwork demonstrates fluency with media (eg: the student has used conventions from the field of practice such as layering, dry brush, graduated tone in painting, knowledge of composition, balance etc). Some of the tasks may be at merit level. 
Skate Board

Skate Board
